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Writer's pictureStacey Potter

Mini Session Family Photography Workshop Course - For Photographers

I am THRILLED to announce my new online workshop for photographers, Mastering the Art and Business of Mini Family Photography Sessions.

I have been working and toiling and sweating and pouring every inch of my heart and artistic ability into this for months and we are in the finalizing stages and polishing everything out.

Well, to be honest, there is A LOT of polishing to do still, but I am so pleased with the way the material is all coming together so fluidly.

I have taught workshops to other photographers in person before, but never online, and there is a HUGE learning curve with all the software that needs to be mastered in order to make it perfect.

Which it WILL be.

Nothing less than perfect, with every tip and trick and morsel of knowledge I have accumulated over the last TEN years of being a photographer about mini family photography sessions.

It will include customizable templates for photographers of every kind-mini session marketing templates, client session guides, a family photography posing guide, mini session pricing guide-everything I could possibly imagine needing to be included for another photographer to successfully do family photography mini sessions.

Even (and this is my VERY favorite), a full mini session session video with me explaining everything I do and why.

We filmed it on Father’s Day and it was am AMAZING shoot with a beautiful family and the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder as the back drop.

I could not wait for the videographer to edit and finalize the movie, so I created a little clip of just ONE pose myself, with my VERY limited video editing skills (which I learned in an AMAZING online course I took from Xanthe Berkeley, check it out here).

I will be starting to release the info this week, with all the details on how to sign up and reserve your spot early by emailing me at

This online class is perfect for any level of photographer. Whether you are just starting out and want to use mini family photography sessions as a way to bring in your first clients, or you are an established photographer with loyal clients but want to make WAY more money doing mini sessions, this course is for you.

There WILL be early bird pricing, so check back tomorrow for details on that. I am creating a HUGE discount for those that sign up before June 30th.

I am pretty much covering EVERYTHING in the workshop that you could ever imagine being involved with family photography mini sessions, but if you have suggestions, questions, or things you would like me to focus on in this online course, please do leave a comment below! I would ABSOLUTELY love to hear from you and will answer any and all questions.

Until then…



Stacey Potter is an award winning family photographer in Boulder, Co. She is best known for her baby photography and offers mentoring opportunities for new to advanced photographers on the business and art of photography. To book a photographer mentoring session, or to inquire about a family photography session, please contact Stacey directly at 303.818.7757 or email

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