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Mastering the Art & Business of Mini Family Photography Sessions - For Photographers

Writer's picture: Stacey PotterStacey Potter

mastering the art & business of mini family photography sessions

an online workshop by stacey potter photography – boulder, colorado

Psst-use code EarlyBird for 20% off

I am MORE than thrilled to be announcing my new online course, “Mastering the Art & Business of Mini Family Photography Sessions” for family photographers. (To view the course outline + pricing, scroll down).

Every photographer gives mini sessions a try at least once.There is an appeal to them.

-First of all, major cash seems to be made by other other photographers, right?

You see them advertised everywhere.  If other photographers are not making mad money on them, then why would so many of them be doing mini sessions? They must be a gold mine waiting to be tapped.

-Secondly, you WANT people who could not otherwise afford your photography to be able to get commissioned art of their own family for their home, and mini photography sessions seems like an awesome way to share the love.

-You might want to offer your clients with babies the ability to get photos done when their baby is a newborn, 6 months, and a year, to document the tremendous change that happens in those sweet few months that always seem to pass by WAY too quickly.

-You might want to offer moms the chance to actually BE in the photo, rather than just taking it. And Mother’s Day is always a time I see the most Mommy + Me mini sessions being marketed by other photographers.

-Lastly, you see the simplicity in them. 30 minutes of tickling, laughing, happy, joyful family time – documented by YOU. And because they are “mini,” You can do a TON of them.


You’ve tried them and you are NOT booking 20-30 sessions.

You’ve tried them and your sales are so low, it seems a waste of time and energy and marketing money down the drain.

You’ve tried them and and your photos don’t represent your work well. 30 mins is just not enough time for you to get the beautiful images you normally deliver to your clients. And giving a client sub-par images is one of your worst nightmares.

Or, maybe you’ve NEVER tried them. 

You are new to photography, and are thinking “This might be an awesome way to bring in my first clients-people love special deals.” (Oh, this is so true)

You’re an established photographer and think “I’ve always done full sessions, but what if I could offer my clients the chance to get photos twice a year? That might make them very happy.” (And it absolutely does)

So- established, new, kinda new, getting there-every level of family photographer can take + implement the tools, tricks, and tips in this course and walk away with:

  • Mad Money (I make up to $20k over four weekends of mini sessions)

  • New Clients & LOTS of them

  • Beautiful Images (even in such a short session)

  • Double, triple, or even more clients with your second go around of mini sessions

  • Loyal, happy, satisfied clients

  • A New Group of photographer friends that will support, encourage, and help you throughout your mini session season and beyond (I am ALL about community + generosity of spirit among photographers)

  • Incredible joy and that feeling of pulsing, radiant happiness you get from taking beautiful photos and knowing they will be treasured forever.

This is the best time to take this course.

Why? Because autumn is THE busiest season for family photographers, and this course will ensure your fall mini sessions will be so successful you’ll collapse with joy as you roll around in all the money you make (I was actually tempted to do that yesterday when a client dropped off her payment for a big order in cash. I held back bc children were present, but it was hard:)

So, to get the ball rolling and get a sense of how many participants I will have for this first go around, starting July 15th, I am giving an Early Bird Registration Discount of 20%.

That’s $100 off The Master Course. That it is REALLY good discount. This deal lasts until June 30th, so don’t wait or the class could fill (I actually have no idea how quickly the course will fill, but 5 students have already signed up-just based on an Instagram post- so I am thinking once I post this to social media tonight, there may be in an influx). So if you *really* want to learn everything there is to possibly know about how to make REAL money with mini sessions, sign up soon.

Email me at or call 303.818.7757 to reserve your seat now!



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